Шаблон Joomla - YOOtheme Ambient v1.5.8 | Портал
Особенности шаблона:
* Tableless CSS design
* Accordion Menu with smooth animation and color fading
* Styleswitcher for accessibility control
* Lots of template color variations
* Many module positions
* Fully collapsible module architecture
* Enables PNG Alpha Transparency for IE6
* Extra HTML tag stylings
* Fully sliced Adobe Fireworks .png files for customizations
* Joomla 1.0+ version
* Native Joomla 1.5+ version
* Very clean and fast loading design
* XHTML 1.0 Transitional and CSS 2.0 Valid
* Fully tested in Firefox 2.0+, IE6, IE7, Safari 3.0+, Opera 9.0+ and Camino 1.0+
Демо: http://demo.yootheme.com/apr08/
В архиве: Шаблон (Template) | Изображения (Source images) | Демо данные (Sample data)
Совместимость: Joomla 1.5.x
Размер: 4.24 Mb
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